Rabu, 25 April 2012
Provincial Regulation No.? In 2012 On Investment In South Tangerang City
Tangsel, Banten, Article 30 paragraph (2) Regulation No.1 of 2008 on Investment, the Ministry of Government mengamanahkan in the country to develop Permendagri About Daerah.Pemerintah Government Investment Act by the City of South Tangerang - related legislation, may invest in securities purchases valuable, Lending, Rent, Utilization Cooperation, Build or Build Serah Serah Guna Guna, and which shall administer and implement the DPPKAD Tangsel, as the Regional Treasurer.
The economic growth rate of South Tangerang City, quite a significant increase, which in general is dominated by the tertiary sector, namely pengakutan and communication, trade, hotels and restaurants and business services - services, banks, leasing and services company that contributes to 90% . As for the secondary sector, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water supply and construction provides kotribusi 8.76%, then, the primary sector, namely agriculture, mining and quarrying only give contributions of 2%, due to spatial and South Tangerang City area is should only be for the industry's No. Polutan.Ada adage that is often heard among the public, in the early expansion of the City Tangsel, "With just sit alone, the government Tangsel, will directly observe the rapid economic growth in Tangsel, because the private sector role is quite rooted in the areas of property, the total investment value of Rp.30 trillion ".
Tangsel, it strategically as a buffer state capital, with a total length of 137.773 Km as far as city streets, five electric train stations spread across the three districts, the Office of Telkom, amounting to 5 pieces spread over five districts, 83 units of BTS Tower, 21 temporary dump , also 5 units of water treatments plants, 26 unti public burial place, in cross 5 rivers, and 5 Setu which still serves as a rain shelter, is a very strategic geographic conditions.
Therefore, in order to improve the investment climate and encourage investment, the municipal government is compiling Tangsel agenda that was developed into several points in between, formulating investment policy, regulatory improvements, simplification of licensing, infrastructure development, promotion of the region, strengthening regional management that no other is the formation of network development and investment business in the City of Tangsel.
Step towards the establishment of the Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises) is like a Holding Company, which includes parking management services, Islamic Banking, and other forms of business that produces a rich local revenues, so the PAD (PAD income) derived from local levies and taxes can be reduced, because the high economic costs due to local levies and excessive taxation would hinder investment climate that will eventually make it difficult jobs for local residents.
With him on the legal regulation No.20 Year 2012 On Investment In South Tangerang City refers to the Law No.25 Year 2007 on Capital Investment, and Law No.32 of 2004, On Daerah.Semua Government officials expect the area immediately to prepare the capacity to invite investment, investment promotion immediately published to the whole society in particular need for investment in the country, and all the obstacles that arise can be handled the settlement.
Local Regulation No.20 Year 2012 On Investment In Tangerang city break includes Chapter 13, and Article 32, Chapter I General Provisions, Chapter II Principles and Objectives, Chapter III of the Regional Authority, Type of Business Chapter IV, Chapter V shape and Incentives Ease of Investment, Chapter VI Criteria and Incentives Ease Investment, Investment Facility Chapter VII, Chapter VIII Implementation Penanaan Capital, Chapter IX Control and Investment Procedures, Licensing Mechanism Chapter X, Chapter XI Administrative Penalties, Reporting and Evaluation Chapter XII, Chapter XIII Final Provisions.
In Chapter IX Control and Investment procedures, patutlah in note to investors, because in it contains a section on Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of Investors and the Investment Facility Chapter VII, patutlah a separate motivation for investors to achieve a number of facilities and incentives of local government Tangsel City mayor referred to in Rule.
Advanced rapid rate of economic growth of South Tangerang City, has always depended on the interaction of government and business, the principal problem that often occurs in capital investment in the area are always related to several factors, including: Risk of security breach that may affect the perception of investment climate investro in Tangsel , Lack of legal certainty and uncertainty of property rights and business agreements as well as weak law enforcement, lack of conducive labor market in low-wage Tangselm productivity is difficult in the estimate and akibatkan ering the case in the court of industrial relations, then, overlapping regulations and policies of central and local , and the intersection siurnya division of authority between central and local government policy-making related to investment in the region, the latter is berbelitnya bureaucratic process of licensing procedures that are too long and lack of incentives in this area of tax incentives.
However, South Tangerang, in the era of globalization, would be able to face all the obstacles that would interfere with a healthy investment climate, especially with the Regulation No.20 Year 2012 on the capital investment in Tangsel that contains all the things needed by the public and investors at large , but in general, the enthusiasm of local governments Tangsel City, will be creatively done penuyusunan public investment plan, the development of information systems investments, services one-roof system or a one-stop shop, and a reorientation of the role of the traditional leading role kewiraswastaan.Yang goal is reducing an issue of poverty, welfare and increase the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). investment activities in the area Tangsel, an absolute must promote economic growth, create jobs, enhance competitiveness, Increasing the capacity and capability economy and economic process with the potential to be the real power funds derived from the d South Tangerang City itself.
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